Friday, September 26, 2008

Giant Purple Squids Attack DigiTools Teacher

No, I'm sad to say thats not true, but on the bright side a couple weeks ago i sabotaged our class assignment by adding the squids into every story i helped write! It was so funny, and even though i don't think she noticed, some of the other kids did. This one girl was mad that i included it, but she had no clue it was me. I hope she gives us another assignment like that so i can write about multi colored water buffalo. That teacher absolutely hates me anyway, even though i'm not a bad kid or anything, it's just she's fun to bug in that way, you know. Have you ever had a teacher like that? One who is nice to the little preps but not the kids who actually care? She hates me and my friends too. One day Mo, the ninga, was eating a lollipop from her "secret sister" and Mrs. Blank came over and was like "No eating in the lab" in this screechy voice and took it out of her mouth and threw it into the garbage! 

Yours Truly,